Message from the President

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Akira Fujisaki of Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., and I have recently been appointed President of the Japan Electronics Packaging Society (JIEP). I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported the operation of the Institute, through the implementation of a range of initiatives under the strong leadership of former Presidents Kaminaga and Nakano during the roughly three year period when face-to-face meetings were almost impossible due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As former President Nakano stated in the Preface when he was appointed two years ago, "COVID-19 Advanced the Society Clock at Once.” In actual fact, though it has only just finally become possible for the Institute to hold in-person lectures and workshops, one good thing to have come out of the pandemic is that hybrid conferences, blending in-person and on-line meetings, are now commonplace, and these will continue to be used in the future due to their obvious convenience. Furthermore, with the emergence of generative AI and other new technologies, the volume of data traffic continues to increase, and the infrastructure that supports this needs to be sustainable from the perspective of energy use as well. We have reached a point where the construction of high-speed and large-capacity, low-power-consumption, carbon-neutral information communication and computing systems will not be possible without innovation in electronics packaging technology.
In the world of mobility, where freedom of movement is enjoyed, the shift toward CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Service, Electric) is accelerating, and new developments in electronics packaging are needed. The economic, security and geopolitical challenges caused by the situation in Ukraine and tensions between China and Taiwan present both risks and opportunities to society. In the semiconductor industry also, to which electronics packaging is a significant contributor, the global power map is currently changing, and it seems likely that it will surely continue to change going forward.
The Institute's activity mission is "to lead technology in the field of electronics packaging and foster a wide circle of collaboration among industry, academia and government to promote the cultivation and fusion of technology and theory and realize the creation of new value," and in the light of major changes in our operating environment, the role that the Institute has to play in society is ever more important. From the very history of its establishment, JIEP has this wonderful DNA of exploring areas of fusion that transcend the vertical divisions of technology. Let us deepen these interdisciplinary functions in response to ever-changing social issues, and promote electronics packaging solutions to these challenges through the self-fulfillment of the Institute's members. In the interests of the further development of JIEP, I pledge my best efforts in supporting the success of the research, technology, and business of all of the Institute's members.
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
From the Preface of Vol.26 No.4