Become an Trans. JIEP Author

JIEP has published Trans. JIEP, since 2008 to contribute to the development of the electronics packaging field and communication among members by posting technical information and the latest trends related to the electronics packaging.


Trans. JIEP is a peer-reviewed journal in English and has the following features:

  • Trans. JIEP publishes papers for free access to disseminate the latest research content to more researchers.
  • Since 2016, we have been publishing articles that have been decided to be published as needed to improve the speed of reporting.
  • The accepted paper is released immediately online on J-STAGE, prior to the journal's yearly publication.
  • Trans. JIEP has over 250 articles and provides about 1500 downloads each month.
  • The Journal accepts the submission not only from the members of the JIEP but also from non-members.
  • Trans. JIEP provides peer-reviewed, unbiased information.
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