Information for authors
Preparation of your full paper:
1) Use the following template for the best fit with the required IEEE format:
Sample full paper in MS Word: Download
2) Limit the number of pages to the following.
Final manuscript of two to six pages including figures and photographs.
*Only full papers (4-6 pages in conference format) submitted by the due date will be considered for the conference Awards.
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases (EI Compendex and INSPEC).
*No other lengths of the paper may be accepted.
*Trade name and logotype should not be used to avoid confusion for the reader.
3) Submit copyright transfer form.
Copyright Transfer Form: Download
Submit your copyright transfer form here.
4) Submit your full paper by February 16, 2018.
Preparation for your presentation:
1) Register for the conference.
All speakers are kindly requested to complete their registration by March 25, 2018.
2) Oral presentation is 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for Q&A.
* A PC and a projector will be available in the room.
3) Meet with your session chair and other speakers 10minutes prior to your session for instruction.
Excellent papers and presentation are recognized through the following awards:
- JIEP Outstanding Technical Paper Awards
- *IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Awards
- JIEP Poster Awards
*IEEE CPMT Japan Chapter Young Awards will be given to young scientists and engineers who are younger than 35 years old on December 31 of the presentation year. The award recipient must be a member of IEEE and CPMT at the time the award is received.
Author No Show Policy:
ICEP-IAAC 2018 enforces a "no show" policy. Any accepted paper included in the Advance or Final Program is expected to have at least one author attend and present the paper at the conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the Advance or Final Program who do not attend the conference will be listed in a "No Show List", compiled by JIEP. Any "no-show" paper will be noted as "Author unavailable for presentation" and will not be included in IEEE Xplore.
Paper Submission
1) The submission system will be open from January 15, 2017 until February 16, 2018. The deadline for final submission (completion of all steps below) is Feburuary 16, 2018.2) Your full paper will be included in IEEE Xplore after presenting at ICEP-IAAC 2018.
3) Submit your Copyright Transfer Form when you submit your full paper.
4) IEEE is very strict about the requirements for converting application files to full-text PDF for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is available to check your PDF or convert your paper to PDF format.
5) Procedure:
1. Click here and move to the "IEEE eXpress Plus Login Page".
-If you visit this page for the first time, please create your account by clicking "New Users - Click here". The "Conference ID" is 43737XP in preparation.
-Please follow the instructions in IEEE eXpress Plus. -Please click "Create New Title" in "Home
- Title Status" page, and enter title and upload your full paper.
-Finally, please click "Approve for Collection" in "Home
- Title Status" page. Your PDF file will be saved in the database of eXpress Plus.
-Logout from "My Page".
2. Login to "My Page" at "Copyright Transfer Form Submission". Submission ID and Password were given in the abstract submission.
3. Confirm your information and modify your title and authors if needed.
4. Click the "Copyright Submission" button and submit your copyright form.
5. Confirm to have clicked "Approve for Collection" in IEEE eXpress Plus.
6. Your submission of full paper was finished.
More Detailed Paper Submission Procedure click here.