Outstanding Technical Paper Award
Description: This award recognizes the outstanding papers on electronics packaging presented at ICEP. The award will be given to the presenting author and co-authors of the outstanding papers.Prize: Certificate plaque and honorarium of ¥10,000 (JPY).
Funding: The award is sponsored by JIEP.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as one of their paper's authors. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.
IEEE EPS Japan Chapter Young Award
Description: This award recognizes the excellent papers on electronics packaging presented by young scientists and engineers at ICEP. This award will be given to the presenting author of the excellent papers.Prize: Certificate plaque
Funding: The award is sponsored by IEEE EPS Japan Chapter.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as the first author of their paper. The presenter must be younger than 35 years old on December 31 of the presentation year. Previous winners of this award are not eligible. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date. The award recipient must be a member of IEEE and EPS at the time the award is received.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.
JIEP Poster Award
Description: This award recognizes the excellent work by poster presenters at ICEP. The award will be given to the presenting author and co-authors of the excellent papers.Prize: Certificate plaque and honorarium of ¥10,000 (JPY).
Funding: The award is sponsored by JIEP.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as one of their paper's authors. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.