Outstanding Technical Paper Award
ICEP2019 Outstanding Technical Paper Award
High-Speed High-Density Cost-Effective Cu-Filled Through-Glass-Via Channel for Heterogeneous Chip Integration
Hiroshi Kudo, Miyuki Akazawa, Shouhei Yamada, Masaya Tanaka, Haruo Iida, Jyunya Suzuki, Takamasa Takano, Satoru Kuramochi, DNP Co., Ltd. / Japan
Processing and Characterization of Die-Attach on Uncoated Copper by Pressure-Less Silver Sintering and Low-Pressure-Assisted Copper Sintering
Meiyu Wang1, Yanliang Shan1 , Yunhui Mei1 , Xin Li1, Guo-Quan Lu1,2, 1Tianjin University / China, 2Virginia Tech / USA
Inhibition of Cracking in Cu6Sn5 intermetallic Compounds at the Interface of Lead-Free Solder Joint by Controlling the Reflow Cooling Conditions
Flora Somidin1,2, Stuart D. McDonald1, Xiaozou Ye1, Dongdong Qu1, Keith Sweatman3, Tetsuya Akaiwa3, Tetsuro Nishimura3, Kazuhiro Nogita1, 1The University of Queensland / Australia, 2Universiti Malaysia Perlis / Malaysia, 3Nihon Superior Co., Ltd. / Japan
High-Toughness (111) Nano-Twinned Copper Lines for Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging
Yu-Jin Li1, Wei-Yu Hsu1, Benson Lin2, ChiaCheng Chang2, Chie Chen1, 1National Chiao Tung University, 2MediaTek Inc. / Taiwan
Programming and Evaluation of a Multi-Axis/Multi-Process Manufacturing System for Mechatronic Integrated Devices
M.Ankenbrand, Y.Eiche, J.Franke, Fridrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg / Germany
Hiroshi Kudo, Miyuki Akazawa, Shouhei Yamada, Masaya Tanaka, Haruo Iida, Jyunya Suzuki, Takamasa Takano, Satoru Kuramochi, DNP Co., Ltd. / Japan
Processing and Characterization of Die-Attach on Uncoated Copper by Pressure-Less Silver Sintering and Low-Pressure-Assisted Copper Sintering
Meiyu Wang1, Yanliang Shan1 , Yunhui Mei1 , Xin Li1, Guo-Quan Lu1,2, 1Tianjin University / China, 2Virginia Tech / USA
Inhibition of Cracking in Cu6Sn5 intermetallic Compounds at the Interface of Lead-Free Solder Joint by Controlling the Reflow Cooling Conditions
Flora Somidin1,2, Stuart D. McDonald1, Xiaozou Ye1, Dongdong Qu1, Keith Sweatman3, Tetsuya Akaiwa3, Tetsuro Nishimura3, Kazuhiro Nogita1, 1The University of Queensland / Australia, 2Universiti Malaysia Perlis / Malaysia, 3Nihon Superior Co., Ltd. / Japan
High-Toughness (111) Nano-Twinned Copper Lines for Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging
Yu-Jin Li1, Wei-Yu Hsu1, Benson Lin2, ChiaCheng Chang2, Chie Chen1, 1National Chiao Tung University, 2MediaTek Inc. / Taiwan
Programming and Evaluation of a Multi-Axis/Multi-Process Manufacturing System for Mechatronic Integrated Devices
M.Ankenbrand, Y.Eiche, J.Franke, Fridrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg / Germany
Description: This award recognizes the outstanding papers on electronics packaging presented at ICEP. The award will be given to the presenting author and co-authors of the outstanding papers.
Prize: Certificate plaque and honorarium of \10,000 (JPY).
Funding: The award is sponsored by JIEP.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as one of their paper's authors. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.
IEEE EPS Japan Chapter Young Award
ICEP2019 IEEE EPS Japan Chapter Young Award
Correlation between Insertion Loss and Interface Relative Conductivity
Taiga Fukumori, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. / Japan
Evaluation and Benchmarking of Cu Pillar Micro-Bumps with Printed Polymer Core
Xing Qiu, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology / Hong Kong
Cu-Cu Quasi-Direct Bonding with Atomically Thin-Au and Pt Intermediate Layer Using Atomic Layer Deposition
Hiroyuki Kuwae, Waseda University / Japan
A Cu-Cu Bonding Method Using Preoxidized Cu Microparticles under Formic Acid Atmosphere
Runhua Gao, Osaka University / Japan
Taiga Fukumori, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. / Japan
Evaluation and Benchmarking of Cu Pillar Micro-Bumps with Printed Polymer Core
Xing Qiu, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology / Hong Kong
Cu-Cu Quasi-Direct Bonding with Atomically Thin-Au and Pt Intermediate Layer Using Atomic Layer Deposition
Hiroyuki Kuwae, Waseda University / Japan
A Cu-Cu Bonding Method Using Preoxidized Cu Microparticles under Formic Acid Atmosphere
Runhua Gao, Osaka University / Japan
Description: This award recognizes the excellent papers on electronics packaging presented by young scientists and engineers at ICEP. This award will be given to the presenting author of the excellent papers.
Prize: Certificate plaque
Funding: The award is sponsored by IEEE EPS Japan Chapter.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as the first author of their paper. The presenter must be younger than 35 years old on December 31 of the presentation year. Previous winners of this award are not eligible. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date. The award recipient must be a member of IEEE and EPS at the time the award is received.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.
JIEP Poster Award
ICEP2019 JIEP Poster Award
Au-Sn Soldering Using a Micro-heater to Restrain Excess Temperature Rise Inside the Package
Hideaki Mizusaki, Toshiro Sato, Makoto Sonehara, Shinshu University / Japan
Wafer-scale Au-Au surface activated Bonding Using Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma
Michitaka Yamamoto1,2, Takashi Matsumae2, Yuichi Kurashima2, Hideki Takagi2, Toshihiro Miyake3, Tadatomo Suga1, Toshihiro Itoh1, and Eiji Higurashi1,2, 1The University of Tokyo, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3Denso Corporation / Japan
Study of Low-Residual Stress Amorphous Film Deposition Method for LiTaO3 / Quartz or LiNbO3 / Quartz Bonding toward 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
Ami Tezuka1, Hiroyuki Kuwae1, Kosuke Yamada1, Shuichi Shoji1, Shoji Kakio2, Jun Mizuno1,3
1Waseda University, 2Yamanashi University / Japan, 3Soochow University / China
Hideaki Mizusaki, Toshiro Sato, Makoto Sonehara, Shinshu University / Japan
Wafer-scale Au-Au surface activated Bonding Using Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma
Michitaka Yamamoto1,2, Takashi Matsumae2, Yuichi Kurashima2, Hideki Takagi2, Toshihiro Miyake3, Tadatomo Suga1, Toshihiro Itoh1, and Eiji Higurashi1,2, 1The University of Tokyo, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3Denso Corporation / Japan
Study of Low-Residual Stress Amorphous Film Deposition Method for LiTaO3 / Quartz or LiNbO3 / Quartz Bonding toward 5G Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
Ami Tezuka1, Hiroyuki Kuwae1, Kosuke Yamada1, Shuichi Shoji1, Shoji Kakio2, Jun Mizuno1,3
1Waseda University, 2Yamanashi University / Japan, 3Soochow University / China
Description: This award recognizes the excellent work by poster presenters at ICEP. The award will be given to the presenting author and co-authors of the excellent papers.
Prize: Certificate plaque and honorarium of \10,000 (JPY).
Funding: The award is sponsored by JIEP.
Eligibility: The presenter must be listed as one of their paper's authors. Conference papers must be submitted on or before the due date.
Basis for Judging: Papers are judged based on technical merit, originality, relevance and potential impact on the field, quality of the written paper, and quality of the conference presentation.
Award Presentation: The award will be given at award ceremony during the next year's ICEP.